Dear family members, please call our family hotline to arrange for video conferencing with your loved ones: 631-361-2020 ext 520.

Employment Form

At Smithtown Center, we live by our motto, “We Care and It Shows”™. Our goal is for the residents to build a level of trust in our caring and dedicated staff in an atmosphere of growth and comfort. At Smithtown Center we value every position and each employee because we recognize that the only way to achieve of strong foundation of caring and to achieve excellence is to work as a team.

Should you be interested in becoming a part of our team at Smithtown Center please fill out the below application and attach your resume.

Applicant Information





Date Available to Start

Desired Salary

Position Applied For

Are you over the age of 18?

Are you a citizen of the United States?

If not, are you authorized to work in the United States?

Have you ever been employed at this facility?

If so, when?

Previous Employment



Job Title



Can we contact your previous supervisor?



Previous Salary

Reason for leaving

Upload Resume

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Our team is ready to answer all of your questions!

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